Today was relaxing.  Not real eventful, but sometimes you need a weekend day like that.  I went out to coffee w/ my friend Becky this morning and had a good conversation w/ her.  Then went to Target and bought a rice cooker and vegetable steamer combined into one.  I was inpired because of a Japanese cooking book I saw in Barnes and Noble yesterday afternoon  (I really wanted to buy the book but luckily refrained because I’ve bought way too many books lately, and it needs to stop.  Seriously, it’s out of control.  I need to just go to the library for most books).  So didn’t buy the book, but I think the Japanese diet is probably one of the healthiest diets out there, and have been motivated to do more Japanese cooking.  After that I went to Lee Lee’s (an asian supermarket) and bought Japanese sweet rice and black chocolate w/ extra cacoa (It’s a kind of “dark chocolate”.  I loooove dark chocolate in general- but this stuff tastes better than even the chocolate you get in Switzerland.  Or okay, maybe just as good.).   At any rate, the rice cooker even came with a little cookbook.  ^_^  I’m so excited to use the new steamer!  I think I’m going to eat Japanese for the entire week! 


Ps  Some pictures came back from the marathon I did recently (from a photo company taking random pictures at people).  Look at this one- doesn’t it look like I just merely ran around the block- without a glimmer of sweat, all cool, confident, and energized (ha haaaa!!)   Looks can be deceptive is all I’ll say!  Te he! That’s pretty cool that how I felt on the inside didn’t even show in that photo!


Here is another one  to show you to be fair (taken probably half way through), I look like I’m feeling it more there huh?  Lol.   Believe me I felt it! 


Pss.  I want to change the look of my blog…I feel it is time for a new look…but not quite sure what I want to do w/ it yet, so for now I’ll probably just keep making a few alterations here and there.  Just to mix it up a bit.  Let me know if you have ideas/suggestions of how to change it dramatically though- that I could actually do!

8 thoughts on “

  1. maybe this classifies as stalking..(you can be the judge- but i promise i was well intentioned) but i looked you up at asi photo (where i stole the photo of myself finishing the 1/2 marathon) a week or so ago…and i thought then, that heck yeah, i was impressed at how good you looked finishing twice what i did, and you breezed through it so f-a-s-t! (and you were sooo humble, too)  wow.
    and, dark chocolate is the ony sweet i like.  it’s gotta be DARK chocolate, or nothing- so i may try some of what you recommend…sometime…when i feel like shopping.
    and, i am curious too as to what part of town you hang around- if i would ever see you around phx.

  2. I agree about needing a restful weekend day!  I usually reserve Sunday to stay in my pajamas as long as possible and lay around, it’s nice
    In September I went to visit my friend who’s teaching over in Japan… he had a rice steamer (everyone has one over there) and I loved it!  I think you’re right about the Japanese diet, but I’m a pretty picky eater so I think I’d have trouble with some of the foods…
    I have a book addiction too, and have bought way more books than I have read.  My new rule is I have to finish reading all the books I own before buying any new ones.  That should keep me under control for awhile
    PS – AWESOME pics… and congrats on a very good finishing time!!  I was in Arizona for the Fiesta Bowl and saw lots of advertisements for that particular marathon — seems like a good one to do!

  3. It’s interesting that you mentioned that about the Japanese food. I just finished a book on that, called Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat. It had some really good recipes in it too. I’ve been eating a lot of rice and fish and vegetables lately myself. 🙂

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