Blah!  Haven’t had much to write about.  Some drama happened today, but I don’t want to talk about it.  Not yet at least.


The weekend was okay in general. 


I think I’ll do something different this time.  Random lists maybe?  That might be fun.  Okay, yeah… here we go…



Some of my goals for the next few years:


– Go on a cruise (preferably to somewhere tropic)


– Master my plan to meditate 2 minutes each day (I feel off track with that one guys >_<)


– Become more spiritually aware (which I believe will help me better prioritize my life)


– Do either the New York or Chicago Marathon



My typical grocery shopping list:


Fizzy water, Skippy all natural peanut butter, all natural raspberry or blueberry preserves, Turning Leaf red wine, organic milk, Minute Maid OJ, cheddar cheese, apples, carrots, frozen vegetables, drinking water, diet Coke Plus, 100% whole wheat bread, chicken.


(ps I find all I need at Wal-Mart)



Things I love about myself:


– I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. 


– I’m tall, and I appreciate my body.


– I’m sporty.


– I enjoy encouraging people.


– I love to laugh.


– I want to make a big difference in the world (not that I feel I’ve managed thus far lol).  I want to have a good time too though. I think it’s a paradox though to think you are doing what your supposed to do, and not having a good time…those two, I believe, are designed to go hand in hand.


– I’m methodical.



Things I hate about myself:


– I can be so planned (can make you blind to seeing opportunities in the moment)


– I’m emotional.


– I can be so perfectionated and get so down on myself.


– I don’t always verbalize what I’m thinking clearly.  Not that I write well either, but I definitely write better than I speak.  I rarely manage to covey exactly what I want to say through a verbal conversation.


– Sometimes I feel extremely worthless…oh wait, I already said I get so down on myself 😉



A few of my favorite Chandler restaurants:


– Iguana Max 


– Los Favoritos Taco Shop


– Coffee Rush



Things that don’t make sense to me:


– “One bad apple will spoil the bunch.”  Where did that phrase come from?  I don’t even find it true.  Now raspberries or blueberries may spread mold onto the others, but that doesn’t seem to happen as much with apples.  Apples don’t even tend to get mold that often.  And if there’s one with a soft spot or something, the others usually seem okay.  Whatever! Lol!


– Why do you think the broken sprinkler outside in my comlex never gets fixed?  It gushes water like Old Faithful.  I should have people over to watch off my balcony just like Yellowstone National Park and charge.;)   The simulated version…but same effect. lol 😉  I haven’t called anyone about it, just naturally figure someone else will call about it.  Everyone else probably thinking the same as me, huh?  If there’s no water left for the fishies in the worlds oceans you know why …seems like it gushes enough water to do the job. 😉   Maybe I’ll call.  I should probably (if I don’t get too lazy to look up the # 😉 make sure maintenance knows about it.



Kinda embarrassing confessions:


– I’ve always wanted to go to prison for a little bit.  I would only want to go for a couple weeks max and no great desire to do any of the things to get me there, but I just picture myself having nothing but time on my hands to plan my life and read all the books I want, and re-focus.  It’s hard to do with so many distractions and responsibilities in this world, agree?  In prison, you’d have nothing but time to do that. 🙂  Yep- paradise. 😉   Okay- maybe not quite.  Maybe I’m focusing on the only good part, huh?


– Er, nothing else comes to mind 😛


Well no other lists I can think up in the moment.


Hope all is well!





“Real love doesn’t make you suffer.” ~ Anonymous


11 thoughts on “

  1.  Love suffers long and is kind. I like your post. I’m glad to see that the list of things you like about yourself is bigger than the things you don’t like about yourself.  🙂

  2. lists are so fun :). I like making them too. you have a good grocery shopping list, such healthy things. I get things kinda similar to that– just the basics pretty much. and as far as prison and having more time . . . well, maybe you could spend a couple weeks in a monastery or commune and have the same effect and not be like, in a bad place where people who have done bad things are there. my friend and I didn’t actually see the movie as we had planned.. it was playing in a different theater than we thought it was but we will probably get around to seeing it sometime. 🙂

  3. I will only comment on the apple thing…apples were traditionally stored in barrels in cool dark places. If you accidently put one with a bad spot in it with the others in a tightly packed space, as it begins to break down it releases ethylene gas-(which supermarkets use to ripen fruit with) and begins to “overripen” the other apples and they all spoil. Hence the saying. back in the old days you couldn’t store berries-they had to be used or made into jam or jelly right away.I have thought at times myself the prison thing has merit.

  4. loved this entry.  Its funny, becuase a vast majority of what you said about yourself, likes and dislikes, exactly the same for me…..except i’m not tall, probably the complete opposite at 5’1″.  but i love being a shorty!  hahaha.
    anyhow….nothing wrong with being methodical, planned, etc.  However, I have found it helps to be around people whjo are more sporadic and go with the flow.  it helps me be less planned and uptight.  =)
    thanks for the comment.  and fyi, i barely made it through without a sprained ankle.  hahaha.  it was WAY more treachorous than i would have imagined.  at the end, i was so tired, i couldn’t pickm my feet up as much.  i fell.  few minor scrapes, no biggy at all.  but….it was difficult.  if i could actually master trails, i would.  its so much nicer than paved city!

  5. Do you know what you are going to dress up as for Halloween? I need to find a costume soon!! Love your entry I love making lists as well. That way I don’t forget something when I go to the store.But I still send up buying more then I need. 🙂 Hope you have a great week!

  6. nice post,I like how you set spiritual goals ,and not goal to acquire things.
    ” To think you are doing what your supposed to do, and not having a good time”
    I feel like that sometimes.

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